Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Con-Goers - New Tech at the Con!

At Comic-Con, I put their app on my phone, hoping to utilize it, and schedule my seminars and workshops better... well... that's what I had hoped for... lol One of the big things about going to a large convention, is that, since there are so many people using cellphones and smart phones, for that matter, the signal may read at full bars, but the amount of data, going through, is too heavy, making it harder for your phone to go through... lol in this case, having an app that just connects you to their website, isn't all that ideal... lol

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Con-Goers - Game Addiction

I am a couple years clean from playing World of WarCRACK... lol It seemed more like a chore playing that game, and, although, I did like the PvP aspect of it... it was just getting too boring for me to keep playing... 

If you're on Facebook, please like our page! Con-Goers on Facebook!

Con-Goers - Wrong-Line Blues

The lines, at the larger conventions, have been getting so crazy, and sometimes, they aren't even marked for where they're going... This is a tribute in those times where you end up in the wrong spot!

If you're on Facebook, please like our page! Con-Goers on Facebook!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Con-Goers - Cosplay Hijinx

The idea for this strip came about while seeing a growing number of zombie cosplayers attending cons. I mean, what a shock for all the norms out there, right? Imagine if house keeping accidentally walked in! OMG! LOL It would definitely freak them out!

If you're on Facebook, please like our page! Con-Goers on Facebook!

Con-Goers - Dealerhall Blues

"Dealerhall Blues" is a story a lot of us Con-Goers go through; we see an item at booth we've been wanting for a while, decide to search for a better price at the other booth, can't find it, so come back to buy it, but it's already sold.... Sadness...

If you're on Facebook, please like our page! Con-Goers on Facebook!

Con-Goers- Boredom Creates Pockiness

This comic was created because, I was playing a game on the Nintendo DS chatroom at the convention, where, if you could find me, I had Pocky for you. I would see the people that I was playing with, walk back and forth in front of my booth to see if it was me. It was quite funny and fun at the same time!

If you're on Facebook, please like our page! Con-Goers on Facebook!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Con-Goers! An introduction!

This is the introduction strip where the main first set of characters are introduced! The group of characters are a representation of each type of Con-Goer stereotype. In the different stories, the Con-Goers basically go through what we all, as con-goers, go through at our anime/comic/sci-fi conventions. It's basically a reflection of all of us!

If you're on Facebook, please like our page! Con-Goers on Facebook!

The Beginning!

Con-Goers is a 4-Panel Manga that I was fortunate enough to have my friends at Super Happy Anime Fun Time post on their podcast's website! I had put the Con-Goers on hiatus because I had to focus on my At The Blade Of Dawn manga, which, has been quite difficult. But, after getting things settled with that comic, I've been getting a lot of requests to bring back the Con-Goers! I'm still at a stage where I'm looking for a good home for them, so, I'm trying out different places. I'll be posting the old comics here for now, to test it out!
If you're on Facebook, please like our page! Con-Goers on Facebook!

See you at the Con!