Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Con-Goers - Oppai Gundam Style


Op... opp... lol One of the most catchy songs this summer is Psy's "Gangnam Style", a Korean Pop song that went viral for its hilariousness and hypnotically catchy chorus... Did I mention that it's catchy??? The song is so popular that it even played during a Dodger's baseball game! The dance, which mimics a guy riding a horse, is just soooo funny and easy to do that anyone can do it. I compare the song's catchiness to that of the Macarena or something from Ricky Martin, back in the day, but, Gangnam Style, for me, personally, made it onto my Con-Song Playlist! LOL
This past weekend, at Las Vegas's Animegacon, PMX had a booth across from me and played it soooo much... BUT, it was ok, cos, I never got tired of it! The reason probably being, is that their cute booth girls were dancing to it! HOW CAN I GET TIRED OF THAT??? lol

Psy's Gangnam Style

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